CCN Latest News, CCN News 2020 | 31 January 2020
Yesterday the Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission published its independent report. The body was set up to advise government on how to promote and increase the use of high-quality design for new build homes and neighbourhoods.
In its final report, ‘Living with beauty’, the Commission has set out its recommendations to government.
Responding to the publication, CCN Housing & Planning Spokesperson Cllr Philip Atkins said;
“High quality design must be at the heart of the planning system so that the places we build are sustainable, thriving and enhance the lives of the people who live there. The County Councils Network (CCN) therefore welcomes the final report of the Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission.
“We believe that both district and county councils have a strong role to play in planning and place-making. CCN has long argued that counties offer the appropriate scale outside city regions to set the strategic vision that marries housing delivery with the right physical and social infrastructure that make places tick.
“But shire areas they need the powers to enable them to set this strategic vision and to levy the funding required to deliver enabling infrastructure. This will be increasingly important if the Government is to achieve its ambitions of levelling up the country and ensuring that everywhere feels the benefits of growth.
“The Government’s forthcoming Planning White Paper should put forward the tools that allow counties to increase their involvement in strategic planning, with districts continuing to set policies that ensure the housing mix meets the needs of communities, and design is appropriate for their areas.”
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