David Williams is the Conservative Leader of Hertfordshire County Council. He was first elected in 2013 as the member for Harpenden North East and became Leader of the Council in November 2017.
David is passionate that good local growth builds on the strengths of the Hertfordshire economy, is sustainable and delivers good quality homes to meet local housing needs. He chairs the Hertfordshire Growth Board and sits on the board of the Hertfordshire Local Enterprise Partnership.
A determined champion of local collaboration and partnership across the public sector, David chairs the Hertfordshire Public Sector Leaders Steering Group, chairs Hertfordshire Forward and co-chairs the Hertfordshire Emergency Services Collaboration Board.
Nationally and regionally, David is the chairman of the County Councils Network – a cross party grouping for the 36 county authorities that represent 26 million residents and account for 41% of England’s GVA. He sits on the Executive of the Local Government Association.
David is also a deputy chair of the London Stansted Cambridge Consortium, a member of South East Strategic Leaders and the leaders’ group of England’s Economic Heartland.
Born and educated in North Wales, he has an economics degree from Cardiff University and an MBA from Henley Business School.
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