Secretary of State LGA Speech; CCN Response

CCN Latest News, CCN News 2020 | 02 July 2020

Earlier today the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities & Local Government, Rt.Hon Robert Jenrick MP, delivered a key note speech to the Local Government Association Virtual Annual Conference.

Below is the response of the County Councils Network;

Cllr David Williams, chairman of the County Councils Network, said:

“Local government have been at the frontline response to COVID-19, and the Secretary of State was right to stress the critical role councils have played in these unprecedented times.

“We are very pleased that, following the funding announcement today, Robert Jenrick recognises that further funding for cost pressures may be needed and he committed to re-engage the Treasury to secure resources if required, alongside exploring a compensation scheme for unrecoverable lost council tax and business rates. We will do all we can to continue to provide robust evidence on the financial challenges arising from COVID-19 and help design future support schemes.  

“CCN strongly welcome the Secretary of State’s emphasis on the need for councils to drive the economic recovery and plan strategically for their areas. At the heart of this will be the Devolution Whitepaper, and we are encouraged by his comments today.  

“The Whitepaper is a once in a generation opportunity to reshape the relationship between central and local government, and reform local institutions and public services at the necessary scale. This will help tackle the economic and social challenges facing our nation, while meeting the unique needs of our local communities. We look forward to engaging Ministers as they develop their proposals for devolution, local government, and planning reform.”


  • The County Councils Network is the national voice for England’s county councils. It represents all 25 county councils and 11 county unitary authorities. Collectively, they represent 26 million people, or 47% of the country’s population. It is a special interest group of the Local Government Association. For more information, visit