CCN Latest News, CCN News 2018 | 12 March 2018
The Communities Secretary Sajid Javid has today announced he is ‘minded-to’ make a decision on abolishing all councils in Buckinghamshire and replacing them with a single-county unitary.
Responding to the news, County Councils Network Director Simon Edwards said:
“CCN welcomes the bold decision from the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities, and Local Government, who is minded to approve reorganisation proposals in Buckinghamshire to abolish all councils and create a county unitary.
“Today’s announcement is the right solution, backed by up by a clear argument and compelling evidence from the county council.
“Our independent research, and the recent ResPublica report, shows there to be significant financial, economic and public service reform benefits for those willing to pursue restructuring at scale, as well as pushing the door open for county devolution. Clearly, these arguments were persuasive for the Secretary of State to make this minded-to decision.
“Buckinghamshire put together an attractive proposal that gained the support of residents and politicians alike, and their ambitious plans will allow them to better adapt to the challenges facing local authorities in modern times. Importantly, this option was chosen ahead of breaking up and fragmenting the county; it is county boundaries that have the size and scale necessary to retain and reform crucial frontline public services so they work better for residents, whilst offering the best scope for financial savings.
“We look forward to working with Buckinghamshire during the transition and welcoming the new authority into the county unitary family at CCN.”
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