CCN Latest News, CCN News 2023 | 27 April 2023
The CCN’s 2023/24 business plan, which you can download here, reflects on achievements from the past year and looks ahead to the next twelve months, outlining the network’s priorities across six main themes:
The document sets out the network’s workstreams in each of those areas, and outlines the major policy, research and advocacy the team has planned in each of the six policy agendas.
Watch a video below of CCN Chairman Cllr Tim Oliver as he outlines how we will do more than ever to support our 37 member councils’ ambitions.
Cllr Oliver said:
“Despite a backdrop of inflationary pressures and political upheaval in Westminster, the CCN has had our most successful year of advocacy in the past 12 months.
“Our 2023/24 Business Plan sets out an ambitious programme that aims to build on these successes; doing more than ever to support our members to achieve their ambitions.
“We will be putting forward a powerful case for county and unitary authorities, proactively shaping government policy and the wider sector narrative.
“And, as we head towards a general election, we will ensure that counties and their communities are at the heart of party manifestos.”
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